yourassignmentresults, Psychologia - Różne, po angielsku
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//-->EFFECTIVE LEARNINGSERVICEYOUR ASSIGNMENTRESULTS – AND HOW TOIMPROVE THEMUniversity of Bradford, School of ManagementYour Assignment ResultsYOUR ASSIGNMENT RESULTS – AND HOW TOIMPROVE THEMMany students, particularly international students, are often disappointedwith the marks they receive for written assignments, particularly in thefirst semester. But in Britain the majority of students will achieve marksbetween 55-65 for their assignments, and a mark between 65-69 isconsidered as a good achievement for early assignments.This may contrast with typical pass marks in other countries, where 60-65is regarded as a baseline, and 70 regarded as an acceptable lowest point.In Britain a mark of 70 or over would be reserved for studentswhose work is significantly above average.This booklet will help you to understand why you received the grade youdid and to help you achieve higher marks in the future. It contains advicefrom tutors at the School of Management, plus ideas for analysingquestions, developing an argument in an essay and for becoming morecreative with ideas.The booklet is the first step, but you might also like to:••Discuss this issue with your personal tutor:seek advice fromyour personal tutor on ways of improving your grades.Talk to the Effective Learning Officerfor the School about waysof developing effective learning strategies that are right for you.There are learning strategies that take into account your personalityand skills, and the Effective Learning Officer, using a shortquestionnaire, can help you identify these. The Effective LearningOffice is in room 0.10 Airedale Building and you can arrange aconfidential appointment by contacting Colin Neville, the EffectiveLearning Officer by Email on Effective Learning Service Workshops:these areoffered weekly and focus on aspects of study relevant to allstudents, particularly writing for assignments. Details of workshopsare sent out by Email to all students at the start of each week withreminders sent on workshop days. Workshops generally last for40-50 minutes.•Effective Learning Service1University of Bradford, School of ManagementYour Assignment ResultsIN GENERAL TERMS:marks are awarded according to thefollowing broad criteriaHIGHEST MARKSThehighest marks(e.g.70+) are awarded for workwhich includes all of thefeatures of ‘good marks’,and in addition:GOOD MARKSGood marks(e.g. top C-B range) are awarded forwork which:üShowsunderstandingof underlying issuesüMeetsthe setcriteriaüAnswersthe setquestionüDevelopsanargument or pointof viewüDrawsconclusionsüShowstherelationshipbetween differentissues or conceptswithin the subjectareaüRevealssomethought andreflectionüOrganisesinformation into astructureüGivesevidence andexamples to supportarguments andmain pointsLOW MARKSLow marksare awardedfor work that is likely tobe characterised in oneor more of the followingways:%Demonstratesgoodunderstanding of how andwhy the topic relates tobroader issues orpractices.LHas weak structure(the ideas are hard tofollow)LShows little evidenceof research, thought orreflection%Gets‘below thesurface’ of the subject tounravel issues, concernsand connections within anassignment topicLIs mostly descriptive,with little analysis orargument%Presentsevidence ofreading beyond the settextsLConsiders only onepoint of view%Takesa fresh orcreative approach to thesubject; often interpretsavailable information in anoriginal or objectivelychallenging wayLThe assignment maybe badly written, withspelling mistakes, poorgrammar and confusingsentence constructionLNo evidence of%Writesin a clear,reasoned and coherentway. The ideas andarguments presented arelogical and easy to follow.reading on the subjectand little evidence ofindependent thinkingLGives few examples toillustrate ideas(Source: adapted from Cottrell, S. (2003)The Study Skills Handbook.Basingstoke:Palgrave, p. 181)You can also draw an analogy between your results and a journey (seenext page).Effective Learning Service2University of Bradford, School of ManagementYour Assignment ResultsYOUR ASSIGNMENT RESULTSIt is possible to make the analogy between your assignment results and ajourney, in this case a journey of learning.1stclass(70+)‘A’ gradeworkEXPLORERFeatures of the worksubmitted:Work ofdistinguishedqualitythat is based onvery extensive readingand demonstrates anauthoritative grasp ofconcepts, methodologyand content. Clearevidence of originality ofthought and ability tosynthesise complexmaterial and to thinkanalytically and/orcritically.The work will also bepresented to a highstandard, including beingcorrectly referenced, freeof spelling mistakes andgrammatical errors.Theexplorerhas pursued thesubject in a very thorough andperhaps even acreative way.The explorer will be braveenough to venture intoacademic ‘territory’ othershave not. For example, theexplorer may havedemonstrated a willingnessand ability to be creative with,or challenge, established ideasor practices in a thorough,analytical and objective way.2.1 class(60-69)‘B’ gradeworkTRAVELLERFeatures of the worksubmitted:Competent work whichdemonstrates a soundlevel of understanding ofconcepts, methodologyand content.Toward the top end ofthis range there is likelyto be clear evidence ofcritical judgement inselecting, ordering andanalysing content.Thetravellerhas a plan,purpose and a goal, and hasdone some careful preparationfor the assignment ‘journey’.The traveller, with more effortand confidence, could easilybecome an ‘explorer’.Effective Learning Service3University of Bradford, School of ManagementYour Assignment Results2.2 class(50-59)‘C’ gradeworkTOURISTFeatures of the worksubmitted:Work derived from areasonable to goodbasis of reading andwhich demonstrates inan adequate way agrasp of relevantmaterials and keyconcepts, as well asthe ability to structurearguments. There areno serious omissions orirrelevancies.Examples presentedhowever, will tend tocome from lecturenotes or set textbooks, rather thanfrom independentreading.Thetouristlikes to play safeand not take any risks.Although the tourist hasprepared for the assignment,the tourist quite likes to be toldwhat to do, rather thandiscover things for him orherself. In assignments, thetourist will report backaccurately what he/she hasread, but will not get too far, orat all, ‘below the surface’ of asubject, by, for example,making wider or deeperconnections between subjects,or challenging ideas orpractices.3 class(40-49)‘D’ gradeHITCHHIKERFeatures of the worksubmitted:Limited understandingof key concepts andlimitations in theselection of relevantmaterial. The worksubmitted may beflawed by somesignificant omissions orirrelevant material.No examples may beoffered to illustrateideas.Thehitchhikermayoccasionally be on the journey,but often is not. In a particularassignment, for example, thehitchhiker may have wanderedoff the track or point, or notreally understood where he/shewas going, or the ‘destination’(e.g. main point of view wasunclear).Effective Learning Service4
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