xrc, Programy, x, x-3.00-dos6
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xpdfrc(5) xpdfrc(5)NAMExpdfrc - configuration file for Xpdf tools (version 3.00)DESCRIPTIONAll of the Xpdf tools read a single configuration file.If you have a .xpdfrc file in your home directory, it willbe read. Otherwise, a system-wide configuration file willbe read from /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc, if it exists. (Thisis its default location; depending on build options, itmay be placed elsewhere.) On Win32 systems, the xpdfrcfile should be placed in the same directory as the exe-cutables.The xpdfrc file consists of a series of configurationoptions, one per line. Blank lines and lines startingwith a '#' (comments) are ignored.The following sections list all of the configurationoptions, sorted into functional groups. There is an exam-ples section at the end.INCLUDE FILESinclude config-fileIncludes the specified config file. The effect ofthis is equivalent to inserting the contents ofconfig-file directly into the parent config file inplace of the include command. Config files can benested arbitrarily deep.CHARACTER MAPPINGnameToUnicode map-fileSpecifies a file with the mapping from characternames to Unicode. This is used to handle PDF fontsthat have valid encodings but no ToUnicode entry.Each line of a nameToUnicode file looks like this:hex-string nameThe hex-string is the Unicode (UCS-2) characterindex, and name is the corresponding charactername. Multiple nameToUnicode files can be used; ifa character name is given more than once, the codein the last specified file is used. There is abuilt-in default nameToUnicode table with all ofAdobe's standard character names.cidToUnicode registry-ordering map-fileSpecifies the file with the mapping from charactercollection to Unicode. Each line of a cidToUnicodefile represents one character:hex-stringThe hex-string is the Unicode (UCS-2) index forthat character. The first line maps CID 0, thesecond line CID 1, etc. File size is determined bysize of the character collection. Only one file isallowed per character collection; the last speci-fied file is used. There are no built-in cidToUni-code mappings.unicodeToUnicode font-name-substring map-fileThis is used to work around PDF fonts which haveincorrect Unicode information. It specifies a filewhich maps from the given (incorrect) Unicodeindexes to the correct ones. The mapping will beused for any font whose name containsfont-name-substring. Each line of a unicodeToUni-code file represents one Unicode character:in-hex out-hex1 out-hex2 ...The in-hex field is an input (incorrect) Unicodeindex, and the rest of the fields are one or moreoutput (correct) Unicode indexes. Each occurrenceof in-hex will be converted to the specified outputsequence.unicodeMap encoding-name map-fileSpecifies the file with mapping from Unicode toencoding-name. These encodings are used for X dis-play fonts and text output (see below). Each lineof a unicodeMap file represents a range of one ormore Unicode characters which maps linearly to arange in the output encoding:in-start-hex in-end-hex out-start-hexEntries for single characters can be abbreviatedto:in-hex out-hexThe in-start-hex and in-end-hex fields (or the sin-gle in-hex field) specify the Unicode range. Theout-start-hex field (or the out-hex field) speci-fies the start of the output encoding range. Thelength of the out-start-hex (or out-hex) stringdetermines the length of the output characters(e.g., UTF-8 uses different numbers of bytes torepresent characters in different ranges). Entriesmust be given in increasing Unicode order. Onlyone file is allowed per encoding; the last speci-fied file is used. The Latin1, ASCII7, Symbol,ZapfDingbats, UTF-8, and UCS-2 encodings are prede-fined.cMapDir registry-ordering dirSpecifies a search directory, dir, for CMaps forthe registry-ordering character collection. Therecan be multiple directories for a particular col-lection. There are no default CMap directories.toUnicodeDir dirSpecifies a search directory, dir, for ToUnicodeCMaps. There can be multiple ToUnicode directo-ries. There are no default ToUnicode directories.DISPLAY FONTSdisplayFontT1 PDF-font-name T1-fileMaps a PDF font, PDF-font-name, to a Type 1 fontfor display. The Type 1 font file, T1-file, shouldbe a standard .pfa or .pfb file.displayFontTT PDF-font-name TT-fileMaps a PDF font, PDF-font-name, to a TrueType fontfor display. The TrueType font file, TT-file,should be a standard .ttf file.displayNamedCIDFontT1 PDF-font-name T1-fileMaps a specific PDF CID (16-bit) font,PDF-font-name, to a CID font (16-bit PostScriptfont), for display. There are no default CID fontmappings.displayCIDFontT1 registry-ordering T1-fileMaps the registry-ordering character collection toa CID font (16-bit PostScript font), for display.This mapping is used if the font name doesn't matchany of the fonts declared with displayNamedCIDFont*commands. There are no default CID font mappings.displayNamedCIDFontTT PDF-font-name TT-fileMaps a specific PDF CID (16-bit) font,PDF-font-name, to a (16-bit) TrueType font, fordisplay. There are no default CID font mappings.displayCIDFontTT registry-ordering TT-fileMaps the registry-ordering character collection toa (16-bit) TrueType font, for display. This map-ping is used if the font name doesn't match any ofthe fonts declared with displayNamedCIDFont* com-mands. There are no default CID font mappings.fontDir dirSpecifies a search directory for external fontfiles. There can be multiple fontDir directories.If a PDF file uses a font but doesn't embed it,these directories will be searched for a matchingfont file. These fonts are used by both xpdf (fordisplay) and pdftops (for embedding in the gener-ated PostScript). Type 1 fonts must have a suffixof ".pfa", ".pfb", ".ps", or no suffix at all.TrueType fonts must have a ".ttf" suffix. Otherfiles in these directories will be ignored. Thereare no default fontDir directories.POSTSCRIPT CONTROLpsPaperSize width(pts) height(pts)Sets the paper size for PostScript output. Thewidth and height parameters give the paper size inPostScript points.psPaperSize letter | legal | A4 | A3 | matchSets the paper size for PostScript output to astandard size. The default paper size is set whenxpdf and pdftops are built, typically to "letter"or "A4". This can also be set to "match", whichwill set the paper size to match the size specifiedin the PDF file.psImageableArea llx lly urx urySets the imageable area for PostScript output. Thefour integers are the coordinates of the lower-leftand upper-right corners of the imageable region,specified in points. This defaults to the fullpaper size; the psPaperSize option will reset theimageable area coordinates.psCrop yes | noIf set to "yes", PostScript output is cropped tothe CropBox specified in the PDF file; otherwise nocropping is done. This defaults to "yes".psExpandSmaller yes | noIf set to "yes", PDF pages smaller than thePostScript imageable area are expanded to fill theimageable area. Otherwise, no scalling is done onsmaller pages. This defaults to "no".psShrinkLarger yes | noIf set to ...
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