xmplay, Programy, XMPlay
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XMPlay 3.3 - Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Ian Luck. All rights reserved.Files that you should have found in the XMPlay "package"========================================================XMPLAY.TXT This fileXMPLAY.EXE The executableXMP-CD.DLL CD Audio pluginXMP-WMA.DLL WMA pluginXMP-WADSP.DLL Winamp DSP plugin wrapperFILE_ID.DIZ BBS description fileYou can safely remove the XMP-CD.DLL, XMP-WMA.DLL and XMP-WADSP.DLL filesif you don't need CD/WMA playback or Winamp DSP plugin support.What's the point?=================XMPlay is a Win32 (Windows 95/98/NT/2k/ME/XP/etc...) audio player, supportingseveral formats. Initially, when XMPlay was first released in 1998, only theXM format was supported, hence the name "XMPlay".Stream formats--------------* OGG - Ogg Vorbis* MP3 - MPEG1/2/2.5 layer 3* MP2 - MPEG layer 2* MP1 - MPEG layer 1* WMA - Windows Media Audio* WAV - any format that has a codec installed* CDA - CD AudioWMA playback requires the Windows Media Format modules to be installed. Theycome installed with Windows Media player, so will already be on most users'systems, but they can also be installed separately (WMFDIST.EXE is availableat the XMPlay website). If these modules are not installed, XMPlay will stillwork fine, just without WMA support.Module (MOD) formats--------------------* MO3 - Modules with MP3 or OGG encoded samples* IT - Impulse Tracker modules* XM - FastTracker 2 modules* S3M - ScreamTracker 3 modules* MTM - MultiTracker modules* MOD - Generic module formats* UMX - Unreal/Tournament music packageXMPlay's got the best (most accurate to FT2) XM reproduction to be heardfrom any player. All features/effects (including several FT2 quirks) are100% supported. The IT reproduction is also practically balls-on, with fullsupport for all effects/NNA/DCA/filters etc... additional features likestereo samples and DMO effects are also fully supported.XMPlay also supports the MO3 format (modules with MP3 or OGG compressedsamples). If you wish to create MO3s, then you should download the MO3encoder from the XMPlay website (URL below).Plugins-------As well as the listed formats with built-in support, a whole load moreformats can be played with XMPlay too, via plugins. XMPlay has it's ownnative "input" plugin system but can also use Winamp plugins.The main window===============In the main display area, the title, playback time and other basic infoabout the current track are shown. The time display can be switched (byclicking on it) between the time passed, the time remaining, or theorder/frame/page position (depending on if it's a MOD/MPEG/OGG formatbeing played).Below that is the position indicator, which can also be used to changethe playback position. When streaming from the net, it will light-up toindicate how much of the file has been downloaded so far (if the file isof a fixed length). Right-clicking gives the option of bookmarking thecurrent position, or resuming an already bookmarked position.NOTE: The bookmark is not retained when closing XMPlay.The next 2 sliders control the volume and balance. The row of buttonsbelow the sliders are...TIP: The volume can be adjusted using the mouse-wheel, when the mouse is notabove anything else scrollable.Track info & extended playlist:Opens/closes a window to display information on the current track, alsoa playlist and library. See "The info window" below.NOTE: Some skins may also have separate buttons to access the playlist andlibrary.Previous track:Play the previous track in the playlist, skipping over any that are setto "skip". Right-clicking jumps to the previous sub-song in a multi-songtrack (or previous cue point when a CUE sheet is present).Stop:Stops playback, and sets the position to the start. Pressing again whenalready stopped, unloads the track.Play / Pause:Toggles play/pause of the track. If no track is loaded, then the currentlyselected track in the playlist is loaded (or the 1st track if none isselected). Right-clicking plays a random track.Next track:Play the next track in the playlist, skipping over any that are set to"skip". Right-clicking jumps to the next sub-song in a multi-song track(or next cue point when a CUE sheet is present).Open file(s):Opens and plays file(s). If you open an FTP directory URL, XMPlay willautomatically scan the directory for playable files. Right-click to opena directory.Looping switch:This can be set to never loop, always loop, or auto loop (only filesthat are apparently intended to be looped). When looping is enabled,you can also choose (by right-clicking) to have the tracks looped onlyonce. Auto looping can also be set to apply to MODs only.When you drag'n'drop files into the main panel, they are opened as if the"Open file(s)" button had been used - ie. playlist cleared and new tracksadded. As well as files, whole directory trees and shortcuts can also bedrag'n'dropped into XMPlay.TIP: Double-click on any non-button area to toggle mini mode.TIP: Right-click the minimize button to minimize to the tray.TIP: Right-click the close button to have playback continue from thecurrent position the next time XMPlay is loaded.TIP: When moving the window, right-clicking will make the info window movetoo. The same is true when moving the info window.The "Output Options" panel==========================The response speed to all these options is dependant on the buffer size,the delay will be the length of the buffer chosen in the device setup.Interpolation switch:Ramping switch:Surround Sound switch:Pan separation slider:See the "MOD" section below for details on these.TIP: Right-clicking the pan separation slider gives options to set it toFT2 and Amiga levels.Auto amp reduction switch:Amplification slider:Equalizer switch & sliders:Reverb switch & sliders:See the "DSP" section below for details on these.TIP: Right-clicking the amplification slider will reset it to the defaultlevel.Top-left disk switch--------------------When switched on, this enables the automatic loading of settings that havebeen saved for the track being loaded. Right-clicking brings up options toload settings specific to the file, load settings for the file's path, andload presets. See the "Saved settings" section below.The playlist panel==================Double-clicking on a track will make XMPlay play the track. Right-clickingbrings up further options to play the track, to write a copy to disk whileplaying the track (URLs only), queue the track, skip the track, add it tothe library, display track info, and remove the track.If an internet stream is of a fixed length (a file on an FTP/HTTP server),the "Write to disk" option can be selected while the track is already playing(or has even finished playing), and XMPlay will write the portion that hasalready been downloaded and continue to write the remainder that is beingdownloaded. So you can preview the track before deciding if you want to keepit, without having to start downloading it again.Shoutcast/Icecast/Icecast2 streams that include the track titles, can beautomatically split into the separate files when writing them to disk.Tracks that are set to be skipped are displayed in a small dimmed font. Deadtracks are indicatied by red lines through them - a single red line meansthe track is unplayable, while a double line means it can't even be opened,eg. doesn't exist. The currently opened track is signified with a light-bluearrow. Tracks that are queued for playback have a smaller light-blue arrow,and the queue position next to it.Files can be added to the list by drag'n'dropping them from Windows Explorer.Whole directory trees and shortcuts can also be drag'n'dropped into the list.URLs can also be dragged from web-browsers. The new tracks are inserted intothe position that you dropped them.Queue:This toggles listing the tracks that are queued for playback, instead ofthe entire playlist. The queued tracks can be rearranged and generallymanipulated just like in the playlist.Bottom buttons--------------Random play order:Plays the tracks in random order. Right-clicking brings up more optionsto shuffle the list, sort by filename or title, and to reverse the order.Save list:Writes the list to a PLS file.Add to list:Adds files/URLs to the list. Right-clicking allows you to add all tracksin a directory (and sub-directories) to the list. If you add an FTPdirectory, XMPlay will scan it for playable files, and add them all tothe list.Remove from list:Removes the selected track from the list. Right-clicking gives furtheroptions to remove duplicates tracks, dead tracks, and all tracks. Thereare also options to refresh the dead tracks and clear the queue.Loop list:If ticked, XMPlay plays the first track in the list again after the lasttrack. Right-clicking gives the option whether XMPlay should go onto thenext track when the current one ends, whether playback should stop at adead track or at the end of a queue, and whether to unload the final trackwhen finished.Next to the buttons is the total list duration (clicking it will switch it toa track count display). When multiple tracks are selected, the display willalternate between the list total length, and the selected tracks length.TIP: You can scroll the list us...
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